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KontrolFreek  |  SKU: 1112745 | Controller Grip

Playstation 4 FPS Freek Inferno /PS4

139 kr 169 kr
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Blaze past your enemies in a flaming ball of glory with the FPS Freek Inferno. Perfect for any type of shooter or action-based gameplay, the vibrant red-on-black color scheme showcases the distinct spiral pattern pulled straight from our best-selling FPS Freek Vortex. FPS Freek Inferno thumbsticks are both the same, tall height (10.4 mm) ideal for first- and third-person shooters. The tall height boosts range of motion by more than 115% for increased accuracy and precision, and Inferno’s laser-etched, spiral design ensures comfort and grip during long gaming sessions or for gamers with big hands.   Whether your shooting ‘em up in CoD or exploring lost empires in Tomb Raider, the FPS Freek Inferno will be the best tool in your arsenal.

  • Improved accuracy while aiming
  • Range of motion increased by over 115%
  • Concave pad for grip and comfort
  • Reduces hand and thumb fatigue
  • Makes target acquisition much faster

Works great in games like

  • Call of Duty Black Ops III
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider
  • The Division
  • Far Cry series
  • Halo 5
  • Diablo  
Playstation 4 FPS Freek Inferno /PS4 KontrolFreek

Playstation 4 FPS Freek Inferno /PS4

139 kr 169 kr

Blaze past your enemies in a flaming ball of glory with the FPS Freek Inferno. Perfect for any type of shooter or action-based gameplay, the vibrant red-on-black color scheme showcases the distinct spiral pattern pulled straight from our best-selling FPS Freek Vortex. FPS Freek Inferno thumbsticks are both the same, tall height (10.4 mm) ideal for first- and third-person shooters. The tall height boosts range of motion by more than 115% for increased accuracy and precision, and Inferno’s laser-etched, spiral design ensures comfort and grip during long gaming sessions or for gamers with big hands.   Whether your shooting ‘em up in CoD or exploring lost empires in Tomb Raider, the FPS Freek Inferno will be the best tool in your arsenal.

Works great in games like

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